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Mental Strategies with Jim Will, Ph.D

Posted by Debbie Wood on

Dr. Jim Will makes his home in Texas. He received his Doctorate Degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Oklahoma. His interests in sports psychology and the study of high performers led him to develop his unique brand of self-image psychology. While studying successful athletes he realized that the athletes he was working with were different and unique.

This initial observation led Dr. Will to determine these differences were more mental than physical, and he realized the concept of self-talk was critical to not only aspiring athletes, but to everyone in all aspects of their lives. Dr. Will is a noted international speaker and has shared his philosophy with people all over the world. He has worked with the NFL, NHRA and PRCA. Following the Challenger tragedy, NASA asked Dr. Will to work with their employees during this most difficult time.

r. Will is excited to share his research in the area of self-image psychology with students of the Sharon Camarillo programs to help them achieve the most out of life and competition. Dr. Will’s contribution to Purpose, Patience, Passion will help us to understand the relationship between our thoughts and our actions and will bring us to the awareness that the outcomes of our daily lives are influenced by what we say and think.

It’s exciting to have the opportunity to share this nationally acclaimed sports psychologist with my readers and my students. In our Next Level and Horsemanship program, we begin the journey of realizing how important the mental game of competition is. I have studied the mental side of competition and value it for the results it has produced in my competition and my life. I ask you to join with with me and identify those little voices inside your head that can affect you both positively and negatively. The “Skeleton Crew,” as I come to call my own little voices, can work with you toward successful thoughts or against you to undermine your confidence. The power of self-talk is a choice.

Dr. Jim Will says “Hold onto your saddle, get a good grip on the reins, keep your chin up and your eyes focused and look forward to the ride of your life. We look forward to helping anyway we can.”

Please visit at for more information about the Power of Self Talk and to order his book and toolkit.

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