Congratulations to Jessica Clark Telford on her first National Finals Rodeo Qualification!
Did you know that Jessica was the youngest Camarillo Classic Barrel Racing Champion and the eighth Team Camarillo student to have qualified for the NFR?
We are so thrilled to have been a part of her passion, journey and success!
Be sure to check out my interview with Jessie on the “Fun and Fast Times” Podcast! Best of Luck at the 2018 NFR (click on the podcast area on this website). Ride On!
From our Moab, Utah Clinic last May, meet Timber Cote! Congrats to Timber and her number one fan and Mom, Charlie Cote! What a great first year of barrel racing for this young gun! Buckle winner Rita Dolphin Memorial Race in Spanish Fork and a 2D Champion Saddle! Charlie is a Camarillo Alumni! It’s fantastic to introduce the A.R.T. Of Barrel Racing to the next generation!

How about Reese Bryant and her new horse Rio? Reese is in her first year competing and riding. She attended the June Clinic in Corning, CA.
In her first three weeks of running Rio she won the 4D, second week won the 3D and third week wins the 2D! Talk about a meant to be relationship!
Congratulations Reese and we look forward to your continued pursuit of horsemanship and barrel racing!
What an honor it was to have had Chad and Bethany Gist’s daughter Melody ride in our Corning, CA Clinic in June! The Gist family is no stranger to the industry and their diverse interest across the western disciplines plays right into Better Barrel Racing!
This young cowgirl recently won the Novice 1D Barrel Race at the Triple Crown Equestrian Center. This all around cowgirl competes in other events and won a fancy buckle in Youth Trail as well! What a great combination of cross training and building a foundation in horsemanship! Congrats on a fantastic first year Melody!