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The Importance of Self-Talk

Posted by Debbie Wood

I want you to try your best to be aware of your self-talk. Listen to what you're saying to yourself in different circumstances, and listen carefully. I'm not talking about what you're saying out loud as much has what you're thinking about all the time.

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Tackling Barrel Racing Terminology

Posted by Camarillo Staff

Tackling Terminology Cowgirl Hall of Famer Sharon Camarillo sheds light on a few often-used terms in the barrel racing world. By Abigail Boatwright/Barrel Horse News Barrel racing has its own lingo. Even if you’ve been in the sport for a while, some terms might carry a bit of confusion. The legendary four-time National Finals Rodeo competitor Sharon Camarillo has dedicated her life to educating barrel racers. She sad down with Barrel Horse News to explain a few words often heard in the barrel racing community. The 4D System. Developed by the National Barrel Horse Association, the divisional system is a...

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You Are Limited Only By Your Imagination

Posted by sharoncamarillo Admin

I have created a section on Spirit and Self, knowing we are inspired by something or someone. Spirit and Self is another way to write about Purpose, Patience and Passion. It is an area to include more personal aspects of life and career. It is directed to our readers, regardless of age, who are interested in dedicating themselves to becoming the best person they can be all areas of life be it career, relationships and health. I believe, life is not always “about us,” but if we expect to have some control over our environment, it is up to each...

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The Best is Yet To Be

Posted by sharoncamarillo Admin

After a busy winter and spring Clinic schedule, from the Mane Event in Red Deer Alberta, to the Hoosier Horse Fair in Indianapolis, clinics in California, Ohio, Oregon, Idaho, New Jersey, Illinois and Iowa, my 2017 Spring Tour wrapped up in June back in California. I have enjoyed every mile, every horse and every student!

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Just A Horse

Posted by sharoncamarillo Admin

Just A Horse

In my life, horses were answers to my prayers. Dreaming of owning my own horse carried me through my teen-age years, and horse competition provided me an opportunity for a university education. My association with horses that have come in and out of my life, whether owned or not, elevated me to national recognition and have been the foundation for my recreation and occupation. I am a Cowgirl and proud to be. Therefore when I received an Email from Valerie Marvel with the poem below. The dialog is for each of us who have had the blessings and luxury of...

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